Since our inception, our mission is to strengthen our school community (namely KNO students, teachers, and admin staff) through literacy and lifelong learning by providing equal access to materials for everyone.

We’re proud to provide a state-of-the art Learning Resource Center (LRC) as part of our conducive learning environment, which is not only a place to come and read - but also a center for discovery, creativity, and empowerment.

With our growing collection of digital media, VR sets, iPad and endless learning resources, Apps, and educational games, we’re helping to engage with a new generation of learners and establishing the foundations to bring people, ideas, technology and information together into the future.

Our LRC has transformed into a self-study hub that contributes much more than just borrowing books. We provide access to ideas, information, and experiences that support and enrich lives for our school community of all ages, abilities, and means. Keep browsing through our site to learn more.

Every day we build upon that tradition by improving access to and expanding our collections. The LRC brings together an abundance of resources and opportunities for all to enjoy. We’re always working to meet the needs of our student and teachers. To learn more, simply get in touch.