Cambridge Programme


All our educational programs at KNO schools focus on every aspect of the physical, psychological and emotional development of the students. All efforts are oriented to achieve goals, objectives and competencies set for this stage.

Appropriate class sizes, well-qualified teachers, strong curricula, and healthy environment allow us to provide a unique and inclusive safe environment that is conducive to good learning, while ensuring that each student receives the individual and customized attention and support need.

Cambridge Primary Year Programme prepares students for the next higher learning phase. It strengthens students’ abilities and skills and consolidates the acquired knowledge based on the expected objectives and learning outcomes.

By offering the Cambridge Primary, KNO School provides a broad and balanced learning experience for its students by helping them grow academically. The subjects that are chosen (namely English, Mathematics, Science and Computer) will provide students with plenty of opportunities to develop their creativity, build their personality and form opinions in a variety of ways.

The curriculum is very flexible in a way that allows teachers adapt it to students’ learning abilities and styles.