A Levels


What Parents Should Know About Their Children at A-Level

The A-Level phase is the turning point in students' lives. It marked by significant academic and personal growth, during which students are expected to master advanced concepts and develop the skills necessary for higher education and beyond.

Understanding the developmental characteristics of students at this phase can help parents support their children more effectively.

  • Students’ Developmental Characteristics
    • Cognitive Development:

Students in the A-Level phase, typically aged 16-18, are in the formal operational stage of cognitive development. This is where students develop their abilities to think abstractly, logically, and systematically. Students can hypothesize, plan long-term, and solve complex problems, which are critical skills for advanced academic work.

Research shows that teenagers' brains are still developing, particularly in areas related to executive functions such as decision-making, planning, and impulse control.

  • Emotional and Social Development,

At this stage, teenagers explore different aspects of their identity and establish a sense of self. Emotional fluctuations are common, and peer relationships play a significant role in their social development.

Teenagers are also developing greater emotional intelligence, learning to manage emotions, and understand the perspectives of others.

  • Academic and Personal Growth,

Students are also expected to take greater responsibility for their learning. They are supposed to balance their academic demands with extracurricular activities, social life, and why not, part-time work, when required and if available. Developing time management and self-discipline is essential for success.

The pressure of upcoming university applications and career decisions can also contribute to stress, making parental support crucial.

  • KNO’s Approach

The A-Level students require tailored educational strategies and support to excel during this critical phase. We implement a blend of evidence-based techniques to foster both academic and personal growth.

Promoting self-regulated learning is essential for A-Level students. Therefore, we encourage students to set their own academic goals, monitor their progress, and reflect on their learning processes.

Our teachers use scaffolding techniques, gradually transferring responsibility to students as they become more competent and confident in their abilities

Additionally, we integrate project-based learning, which allows students to engage deeply with complex, real-world problems, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Socially and emotionally, we provide support through structured social counselling, career guidance peer mentoring programs and resilience-building activities, helping students manage stress and develop a strong sense of identity and purpose.

We aspire to creat a nurturing environment where our students are empowered to achieve their full potential and successfully transition to higher education and beyond.

  • KNO A-Level Program

Our A-Level program is designed to meet the rigorous academic standards required for higher education. The curriculum emphasizes deep understanding of subjects, critical analysis, and effective communication.

This program prepares students for the challenges of university studies via fostering independent learning and research skills.

Continuous assessments and feedback help students track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

  • Parental Roles

Active Engagement,

At this level, parental involvement is linked to higher academic achievement and better emotional well-being. Parents can support their children by creating a conducive study environment at home, encouraging regular study habits, and helping them manage their time effectively.

Providing emotional support and being available for discussions about their academic and personal concerns can significantly reduce stress and enhance trust and self-confidence of our students.

We view parents as our educational partners. Regular communication between parents and teachers is essential to monitor students’ progress and address any issues promptly.

Parents are encouraged to be active members of the parents’ assembly, attend school meetings, stay informed about their children’s academic performance, and collaborate with educators to support their children’s learning.

Parents should also help their children explore future career options and prepare for university applications. This includes discussing potential career paths, researching universities, and supporting the application process.

Encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities and community service can also enhance their university applications and personal development.

We encourage parents to understand the developmental needs of their children and actively engage in their educational journey. This way, they can help their children navigate the challenges of the A-Level phase successfully.

KNO Schools are dedicated to providing a supportive environment that fosters academic excellence and personal growth, preparing students for a bright future I close coordination and continuous support to parents and their children.